200 Leinwände – Deutschland erreicht D-BOX Meilenstein

Mit 200 Kinoleinwänden in Deutschland verdoppelt sich die Präsenz des Unternehmens innerhalb von sechs Jahren und untermauert die Nachfrage nach immersiven Kinoerlebnissen.

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Unser neuestes Referenzobjekt: Das EMOTION in Monheim

Julian und Thomas Rüttgers haben am 2. Oktober 2024 ihr drittes Kino eröffnet: Monheim am Rhein, Neubau, sechs Säle, Vielfalt auf allen Ebenen. Lesen Sie hier, was andere dazu sagen:

The Spot Media & Film – EMOTION Kino Monheim am Start

GrobitTV – Hier werden Emotionen geweckt! Neues Kinokonzept in 6 Sälen im EMOTION Kinocenter in Monheim

Rheinische Post Online – Deutschlands zweite Kino-Eröffnung seit der Pandemie

MAG Audio Beitrag

HDF Kino e.V.

Kiwi Center relies on the power of CINITY

WINTERTHUR, Switzerland – Christie® is pleased to share that Switzerland’s Kiwi Center has recently installed a Christie CP4435-RGB laser projector as part of a CINITY Cinema System in its PLF auditorium. The system was installed by ECCO Cine Supply & Service.

Mehr erfahren bei Christie Digital

D-BOX German partner communication, 03/2024

As valued partners of D-BOX Technologies, we would like to clarify some facts and communications about our ongoing collaboration in Germany. ECCO Cine Supply and Service, a leading cinema integrator in the DACH region, remains D-BOX’s preferred and sole distributing partner in Germany. For over a decade, we have worked tirelessly to deliver more than 170 screens equipped with multiple rows of haptic D-BOX seats across various regions. The number of D-BOX screens supplied by ECCO has consistently increased by about 10 to 20 per year, featuring both classic and luxury seating options.

We are deeply grateful for your ongoing support…

Full press release (PDF)

Thomas Rüttgers (left) and Ricardo Bollier, Sales Director Commercial Entertainment, D-BOX (right).

D-BOX renews its agreement with ECCO Cine Supply and Service GmbH.

ECCO has made Germany the 2nd largest market for D-BOX on the eve of its upcoming 25th anniversary!

D-BOX Technologies Inc. (“D-BOX” or the „Corporation“) (TSX: DBO), a world leader in haptic and immersive entertainment, and ECCO Cine Supply and Service GmbH, a leading cinema integrator in Germany, are proud to have recently celebrated 10 years of partnership and to have signed a new contract.

Full press release (PDF)